Adding Overlays
To add an overlay, first position the red timeline cursor line at the point you would like to add the overlay, then click the green plus button on the Overlay Track label.
Click the radio button option to choose the type of overlay you want to add.
If you have selected a Text Overlay, type the text into the box. If you have selected an Image or Video Overlay, click the "Browse" or "Record" button to add a file. Then click the Ok button to close the dialog and add the overlay.
If necessary, move or resize the overlay by dragging the overlay on the overlay track. To adjust the length, click and drag the start or end of the overlay to the desired position.
You can further adjust the overlay using the overlay panel. To open the overlay panel, click on the overlay in the Clips list at the left of the screen. (Note: Overlay clips will have a purple arrow, while other clips have a green arrow.)
You can choose a scroll direction, adjust the size or opacity, and set the overlay to fade in and out. You can also adjust the alignment and margins by clicking the alignment buttons or the margins button.
If the overlay is an image or video overlay, you can use a Chroma Key by clicking the Chroma key button.
If the overlay is an image overlay, you can adjust the duration. If the overlay is a video overlay, you can set the In and Out points in the same way as for other video clips.
If the overlay is a text overlay, you can also change the font, text color, outline color, bold, italic, and underline options by using the controls next to the text box.
To edit overlays, first click on the overlay in the Clips list, then change the options using the overlay preview panel.
To delete overlays, first click on the overlay in the Clips list, then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
To create credits, first position the timeline at the point in your video you would like the credits to begin.
Click the green "Add" button on the Overlay Track label.
Next, select the "Text" radio button at the top center of the dialog and type the credits in the box below, then click the OK button.
Third, drag the credits on the overlay track so they are at the end of the movie. Resize them to be longer or shorter by dragging the start or end of the rectangle.
Finally, choose "Bottom to Top" from the "Scroll" pull-down list on the overlay preview panel (to the right of the Clips list). It is a good idea to watch the end of your movie (by playing it in the sequence preview panel on the right) to check that the credits look ok.
If your credits are too fast, try dragging them to last longer. You may want to add a blank slide to the end of your video sequence to give the credits more time to display.
If your credits are too slow, either increase the size using the "Size" trackbar on the overlay preview panel, or adjust them to go for a shorter length of time.
You can also experiment with changing font options using the controls next to the text box on the overlay preview panel, or by changing the alignment, size, opacity, fading, margins, and scroll direction.
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